Mindfulness For Corporate Excellence-MCE

Why should you offer your Leadership Team my “Mindfulness for Corporate Excellence” Program?


BECAUSE IT WORKS!!!8414954052 351f791fea Mindfulness For Corporate Excellence MCE

Why does Google offer its employees a program called ‘Search Inside Yourself’ (SIY), a mindfulness-based emotional intelligence-training program?



Chade-Meng Tan, the SIY program’s founder says mindfulness can help build compassion, which can be beneficial to not only individuals and community, but also to corporate bottom lines. “The one thing that all companies should be doing is promoting the awareness that compassion can and will be good for success and profits,” said Tan.

Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa has this to say about compassion:

“Compassion happens when your mind is calm and ready for the universe to play through you. If we want happiness in life or happiness in the world around us, compassion can truly transform any negative situation and its consequences into the positive light of relaxed happiness. When you give up the anger or resentment against anyone and allow the compassion born of forgiveness to blossom in your heart you feel so elevated, so released and relaxed. This is the reward of compassion: happiness now and here. And a happy, relaxed employee is a successful employee, and successful employees work at successful corporations!

The key here is MINDFULNESS. If we are mindful of our response when someone attacks us with negativity, the greater our opportunity to practice understanding and compassion. We cannot help but become healthier, happier, and more secure. We have a wider range of inner resources and a clearer mind with which to respond to the difficulty.


Our Mindfulness for Corporate Excellence (MCE) Program stands primarily on the three key practices of Meditation, Stress Reduction, Mind Power. These three practices help the participants awaken their latent potential and achieve personal and corporate success while keeping in view the importance of making positive contributions to the environment and welfare of humanity. This is mindfulness for compassion in action!


Mindful Leaders and Executives:

  • Exhibit charisma to lead the group with empathy and discipline.
  • Develop skill of self-management essential for today’s high-pressure jobs.
  • Are not driven by autopilot or external situations.
  • Make crucial business decisions; add value to corporate growth, individual success.
  • Are more aware of the moment and are mentally alert.
  • Are empathetic team leaders tapping the talents of others by enhancing their positive energies, boosting their self-worth and the power of their positive contributions.


Mindful Employees:

  • Develop intuitive faculties for the right decision at the right time.
  • Exhibit the inner calmness essential for a stress-free life.
  • Have increased energy to cope with challenging situations and meet immediate deadlines.
  • Enhance their Positive Mind Power and Self-confidence for success in life.
  • Show overall improvement in every sphere of life creating happiness at work and in personal life.


  • You will learn to pause, relax, pay full attention to the task at hand and always carry yourself in a high level of self-confidence.
  • You will be able to transform failure and stress related issues into opportunities for growth and vitality.
  • You will grow in mindfulness and apply it in work and personal life to gain the highest advantage of perfect balance.
  • You will be able to do your multi-tasking with more attention and focus, adding value to your work!
  • You will be able to assume responsibility of your thoughts and emotions and use them as tools for achieving the coveted goals in every facet of life.


Global research on mindfulness proves its efficacy in the corporate world:

Mindfulness is now a universally accepted business tool that is being used as a secular technique for expanding mind space, resilience and manifestation of innate infinite potentialities.

Enhanced clarity to thoughts and higher quality of EQ emotional intelligence:

It helps create the inner environment that blossoms into positive thoughts and emotional attitude of love and compassion, wisdom, creativity, ethical values, adaptability and above all a strong sense of resilience. These qualities are essential to be a LEADER WITH A DIFFERENCE.

A few minutes of daily practice of stretching, breathing, meditation practices:

Transforms a person and helps him/her to manage anger and negative emotions, and feel more confident, focused and attentive.
Makes it easier for him/her to manage the stress of daily life and happily walk the tightrope of work and personal life.

Imagine an organization where the whole team practices simple techniques of meditation and mindfulness on a daily basis. The team works with perfect harmony and cooperation in the spirit of individual and organizational growth, and enhances the world for our progeny.


Targeted Audience Senior & Middle Level Executives and all employees
Presenter Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa
Length Of Program 2 Hours Of Introduction 5 Hour Full Day Workshop
Venues In House In House Retreat Centre


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