Hurt Feelings Don’t Leave Until We Leave Them

Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari Life Improvement, Love, MIndfulness Leave a Comment

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One of the major obstacles in life is not related to the external situations; it is the unconscious mind’s natural tendency to cling to the PAST. The past is dead and gone, but it is breathed life by resurrecting it, by bringing back the memories. By chewing on it. As long as the memories are sweet, it is good, but if the memories are painful, then it creates the wrong atmosphere in the home of the mind where we mostly live.

The hurt feelings don’t leave us until we want to leave them.

That is one of the major practices that every seeker of happiness has to undertake. Releasing the hurt memories, and putting them into the trash bin. Or just recycling them into the infinite space that can absorb the negative and charge it with positive light and give it back to you. This is the process of transmutation or transformation. We don’t destroy it; we just allow the light of forgiveness and love to transform the sad memory into a happy release. Then we are fresh in the moment.

If love rules the world, then it is born in us when all these negative energies are released into the light of forgiveness. Oh! What a relief when we forgive and move on. There is so much in life that is waiting our attention, all in the Present. Celebrate the Present.



Shuddhaanandaa BrahmachariHurt Feelings Don’t Leave Until We Leave Them