We have been practicing restlessness and fueling negative emotions since we were children. Now, as adults, we are like a boat without GPS. We do not know our destination, and hence our destiny toys with us. At times we wonder, “What am I doing, and why am I doing what I am doing?” Who will give us the answer? A …
Be the Witness!
Be mindful. Be here and now. Be the Witness. Be that love and compassion that You are. Mindfulness is to be here and now, not in some past memories or future worries. Mindfulness is to do one thing at a time with loving attention enjoying the doing as if it is done through you and as a non-doer you are …
Finding the Sacred Space Within
Each one of us has a sacred space inside of us, it is the place of rest. We visit this place every time we go into deep sleep. But we can visit that space through the doors of deep contemplation and meditation. We need to also inspire the children at home to find time to sit quietly seeking that quiet …
Think Consciously and All Is Well
“Neurons that fire together, wire together” – whatever you think many times becomes a pattern for brain. Becomes your habit. Like worrying or being negative. At times just relax, breathe and watch the thoughts passing in your mind. Your very mindfulness of thoughts will distil the thoughts and give you calmness, quiet tranquility. It will recharge your battery from inside. You …
The Universal Conspiracy: What We Resist, Persists!!
What a universal conspiracy!? Whatever we wish to avoid seems to bump into us again and again. As such it is not a conspiracy but the simple consequence of a universal law in operation: The Law of Resistance. Whatever we resist, persists. If we review our life in a flashback we will have many memories that prove the truth of …
Getting Your Mind Out of Its Rut
“The drops of rain make a hole in the stone not by violence, but by oft falling.” Lucretius Each drop of water may look very small but over period of time it could create an ocean. So also our attitudinal deficiencies may look trivial, but once it becomes a tendency, a habitual rut, then it creates unpleasant worries and tensions. …
Do You Live Your Life through Another’s Eyes?
Most people spend their lives impressing others, or even go into depression because of others. Are we here to live our life through the eyes of others? This is a kind of slavery. Meditation gives our birthright back, to live consciously and conscientiously. It helps us see our self with unbiased clarity so that we realize that true happiness comes …
Meditation Is Observation, Mindfulness, Awareness
First remove the myth from your mind that meditation is concentration, focus, and silence. Meditation is your resolve to sit and watch your monkey mind in action, non-judgmentally, watching and accepting the mind as it is and not as you expect it to be. Eventually, your monkey mind will transform itself in the light of your awareness into Buddha-mind. Meditation …
Mindfulness Meditation Creates Emotional Resilience
I have always seen that one’s pain always comes from the ones you love the most. Why it is so? Simply because it is not the other person who causes you pain. It is your deep attachment which is the cause of the pain. If the person to whom you are not attached to causes you pain, you can overcome …
Be Alone but Not Lonely
How Mindfulness Meditation can reduce loneliness: Aloneness is awareness, a great boon indeed! You are not expected to do things to please the other, you are just with yourself, what a blessings!! Just imagine, if you are called to fulfil the wishes of others your life is spent mostly working for the others. Of course when you don’t receive …